วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

My real friend

Reasons of friendship would explain endlessly, if you have someone who stand by you all along. I just think I'm a lucky person in this world. I have a real friend, her nickname's Au but I always call her "J-Nok". About 11 years ago that we have been friends. J-Nok is a nice, obliging and sincere person for everyone. I dare to say that she never let me down, and I never mad at her. She take care of me for years ago though we live apart. I never feel lonely when I got the encouragement or advice from her. She's the one of my idol and inspiration, cuz she's a good consultant, good friend...and always be a good mind person constantly. I belive that our friendship never ends. J-Nok is both of real friend and spiritual refuge at the same time. She's the one of best friend for me. I'm glad to got a real friend like J-Nok. Finally I just wanna tell her that I love her so much, and thanks for everything. I pray for all happiness and best wishes to her forever. I swear to be a real friend for her as the same. Miz her much!

